As an indie author, it can be tough to figure out what you should be doing and when in relation to your author business.

What tools do you need, what programs will really help you move the dial when it comes to writing and publishing your book and what marketing promotion makes the most sense to you.

In our private Facebook Group, one of the biggest questions asked by authors is how can they best connect with readers. Our answer is always, “build that email list” which can seem arbitrary if you have no idea how to do that.

In this post, not only will we address that question, but we’ll provide you with a ton of different resources that you can access now based on the area of your author business that you need the most help with.

Make sure you bookmark this page as it will be updated regularly.

Self Publishing Resources for Indie Authors

Self Publishing Resources

Before we get started, we’d like to provide you with a bit disclaimer. Some of the links below are affiliate links. This doesn’t mean much to you, as the price remains the same, all it means is that you’re helping support us in providing you with content that covers author basics 101.

Also, some of the information provided below will be free but some will also require a paid subscription or one-time fee. Do you own diligence and make sure something will work for your author business BEFORE you part with your money.

Everything mentioned below is a resource, product or tool that Steve and I have personally used. We are not in the habit of promoting stuff just for the sake of it, you can count on use for that.

The information below is also split into phases. These represent the different phases of self publishing a book. Scroll to the phase that you need help with the most.

Phase 1: Writing

Below are a list of blog posts, podcasts and tools that will help you in the writing phase of your book. These are both applicable to fiction and non fiction authors.

Phase 2: Editing

Struggling with the editing phase of your book? Check out these resources:

Phase 3: Author Platform Building

Phase 4: Publishing

Phase 5: Marketing

As we said, this resource is going to be updated regularly, so make sure you bookmark it. If you have a resource, blog post, book or other link you think should be added, drop us an email: should do the trick!