Still trying to figure out how to make money with your books? Tired of all the self-publishing fluff, telling you that you can become a bestseller in 90 days, quit your day job in six months, and retire to live like a fat cat author on an island in less than a year?
We were too.
Making money as a self-published author requires writing skills, self-publishing process and the ability to learn book marketing.
If you’re ready to become a professional author—make a living with your books—we’re ripping out the fluff and giving you the straight stuff. Discover how to become an author … that makes money.
Indie authors Lise Cartwright and Steve Windsor, made $1,000s of mistakes on their way to successfully self-publishing over 25 books. Now, you don’t have to. Skip years of self-publishing trial and error, and thousands of dollars in wasted money.
In this FREE eBook, we’ll start you off with the realities we learned while self-publishing over 30 books. They aren’t what everyone’s selling to you.