Did you know that the self-publishing world is always changing? There is always a new way to launch a book, to get in front of your readers and let’s not forget the ever-pressing getting your book up on Amazon and getting those sales.
To help you guys navigate these changes, each month we’re going to go back through the month that was and let you in on the new discoveries in self-publishing.
This means you’ll always be on top of things and be able to make adjustments to your own author business as needed.
Below are links to relevant blog posts, podcasts and videos that you should check out right now!
The Latest in Self-Publishing
How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google are Changing Publishing
“It’s these guys’ worlds. We just post in it and shop in it,” said New York University Professor Scott Galloway of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google at Digital Book World 2016. During a talk called “The Four Horsemen,” Galloway argued that these four companies are taking over the world and continually disrupting the publishing ecosystem. <– you need to read this if you are thinking about any type of paid advertising for your books in the coming future!
I Don’t Write “Content”; I Tell Stories
We already know this, but if you’re thinking about starting a blog around your book, then this is a relevant article to read. If you can take your non-fiction book and create stories around the main points, you’re going to connect with readers in a more authentic way.
This was shared in our private Facebook group community and is foreshadowing of things to come we feel. Trying to play the game as well as Amazon has seen B&N lose masses of dollars. Now we just have to watch this space to see what else happens with B&N stores.
Honestly, we can’t say this enough. If you want to really connect with your readers outside of your books, then a blog (aka author website) is the way to go. This is a great article with some solid tips on how to set this up and actually encourage engagement from your readers.
Rand Fishkin on SEO: ‘Failure + Learning x Time = Success’
Another great recap from the Digital Book World 2016 conference. This talk is by leading SEO expert Rand Fishkin, Moz Founder. Some great tips here to look into further. SEO is going to play a major role in self-publishing over the next few years, so if you can master it now, you’ll be well ahead of your competitors.
Written by one of our fav peeps, Dave Chesson, you cannot go wrong reading this article. A little keyword research coupled with SEO and you’ll have no trouble ranking for those keywords if you apply the strategies Dave outlines here.
Indie Authors Share the Secrets of their Success
This is a great interview series well worth checking out. In this interview, The Alliance of Independent Authors chats to L.J. Sellers about her success. I love her comment: “There is no one secret. But most people who become successful in the fiction business have at least some talent, a lot of tenacity, and a little bit of luck.”
From the Archives: How to Use 100 Print Books to Promote Your Self Publishing Book
This is a great infographic from Bookbaby that shows you how you can use 100 print books to promote your book. It’s got some great ideas that you might not have considered and should definitely look at doing. If you try any of these, we’d love to hear about it!